Function getByValue

  • Equivalent to getModule(filters.byValue(match), options)

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • match: string | RegExp

      The string to check the value against

    • Optional options: {
          all?: false;
          raw?: false;
      • Optional all?: false
      • Optional raw?: false

    Returns T | undefined

  • Equivalent to getModule(filters.byValue(match), options)

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • match: string | RegExp

      The string to check the value against

    • options: {
          all: true;
          raw?: false;
      • all: true
      • Optional raw?: false

    Returns T[]

  • Equivalent to getModule(filters.byValue(match), options)

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • match: string | RegExp

      The string to check the value against

    • options: {
          all?: false;
          raw: true;
      • Optional all?: false
      • raw: true

    Returns RawModule<T> | undefined

  • Equivalent to getModule(filters.byValue(match), options)

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • match: string | RegExp

      The string to check the value against

    • options: {
          all: true;
          raw: true;
      • all: true
      • raw: true

    Returns RawModule<T>[]

  • Equivalent to getModule(filters.byValue(match), options)

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • match: string | RegExp

      The string to check the value against

    • options: {
          all: boolean;
          raw?: false;
      • all: boolean
      • Optional raw?: false

    Returns T | T[] | undefined

  • Equivalent to getModule(filters.byValue(match), options)

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • match: string | RegExp

      The string to check the value against

    • options: {
          all: boolean;
          raw: true;
      • all: boolean
      • raw: true

    Returns RawModule<T> | RawModule<T>[]

  • Equivalent to getModule(filters.byValue(match), options)

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • match: string | RegExp

      The string to check the value against

    • options: {
          all?: false;
          raw: boolean;
      • Optional all?: false
      • raw: boolean

    Returns T | RawModule<T> | undefined

  • Equivalent to getModule(filters.byValue(match), options)

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • match: string | RegExp

      The string to check the value against

    • options: {
          all: true;
          raw: boolean;
      • all: true
      • raw: boolean

    Returns T[] | RawModule<T>[]

  • Equivalent to getModule(filters.byValue(match), options)

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • match: string | RegExp

      The string to check the value against

    • Optional options: {
          all?: boolean;
          raw?: boolean;
      • Optional all?: boolean
      • Optional raw?: boolean

    Returns T | T[] | RawModule<T> | RawModule<T>[] | undefined

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